Boozehounds and Kobernet
What’s better than exploring some of the best wineries in the world? Doing so with your furry best mate by your side! Boozehounds and Kobernet features around 130 wineries across 20 major wine regions in NSW, VIC and SA that welcome a particular type of customer: the furry one. Find out which wineries offer treats, which ones have pet-friendly accommodation, who the resident wine dogs are and other important information to help you plan a wine-tasting adventure with your dog! The book includes personal anecdotes from Kobe’s travels around the wine regions (including things to watch out for!), and even a few interviews with resident wine dogs who share what a furry visitor can expect when visiting their their place of residence. Apart from wineries, the book also includes a few scenic dog-walking trails in each region, so you know where to stretch your legs after a day of wine-tasting.